The Future of Water Podcast

Bluefield’s podcast series breaks down the hottest topics impacting the water industry. The Future of Water is where we talk about all the ways in which companies, utilities, and people are addressing the challenges and opportunities in water.

Hosted by:
Reese Tisdale
President & CEO

For sponsorship opportunities or to send us topic ideas, contact us:

  • Coverage

3 Oct 2023  |  Episode #79
with Isabel Kezman

What Are the Financial Opportunities and Challenges Facing Water Utilities?

5 Sep 2023  |  Episode #77
with Ethan Edwards

Aegion Adds More Deals to the List

8 Aug 2023  |  Episode #76
with Christine Ow

Grundfos Goes Deeper Into Digital Water

25 Jul 2023  |  Episode #75
with Chloé Meyer, Ethan Edwards, Zineb Moumen

Water Reuse Builds Momentum in Europe

11 Jul 2023  |  Episode #74
with Keith Hays

How Real Is the Thames Water Crisis?

20 Jun 2023  |  Episode #73
with Eric Bindler, Charlie Suse

A Review of the State of the Water Industry

6 Jun 2023  |  Episode #72
with Isabel Kezman

What’s the Addressable Market for Water Utility Consolidation?

23 May 2023  |  Episode #71
with Greg Goodwin

What’s Behind Engineering Firms’ Strategy Shifts in Water?

2 May 2023  |  Episode #70
with Amber Walsh

Will Semiconductor Boom Drive Water Market Opportunities?