Climate Risk
Water and climate are inextricably linked. From the 1970s to the 2010s, the world has seen an eightfold increase in economic losses from climate-related disasters including drought, stormwater flooding, algae blooms, and winter freezes. The increasing financial and societal impacts, stretching from Cape Town to California, pose significant risks to municipal and corporate entities, globally.
Adapting to this new ‘normal’ requires significant changes for cities and municipalities. Stakeholders are targeting their carbon footprints to minimize the water sector’s footprint—2% to 3% of global emissions—to adopting mitigation strategies like water reuse, energy microgrids, and digital tech. In this context, climate change is driving unprecedented global opportunities for a range of technology & service providers and business models.
Bluefield helps address key trends impacting your business...
Water stress across the globe calls for alternative supplies
The demand for new water supplies must be viewed with different goals and strategies. Water reuse and desalination are top of mind but both come with their own opportunities and challenges.
Water's role in corporate sustainability plans
As companies work toward their 2030 targets, water is often an afterthought in company corporate sustainability targets. Which industries are the most water intensive and which have the highest sustainability targets. From Data Centers, to Semiconductors, opportunities abound for water services providers.
Cities are rolling out climate action plans
Cities are rolling out their own climate action plans. Water conservation programs range from rebate programs to improvements to residential or commercial water-efficiencies, fixing leaks, and installing smart water meters. By using water more efficiently, less water needs to be pumped, treated, and distributed. This reduces energy requirements and water-related emissions, helping with water security and carbon emission reductions.
Corporate Subscriptions
Subscribe to receive ongoing monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to climate risk.Subscription Options
Industrial Water
Analyzing water opportunities, trends, and strategies across industries.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water
Providing data sets and market insights for decision makers seeking to better understand and navigate the municipal water landscape.
Europe Municipal Water
Analyzing the myriad of factors influencing water and wastewater sector investments for municipalities and industrial firms in Europe.
Data Navigator
Access to Bluefield’s Data platform for more real-time data updates and relevant dashboards.
- Corporate Sustainability Targets (by Industry)
- Water Reuse Data (Europe and U.S. Municipal Water Reuse Forecasts, Global Industrial Water Reuse Market Size, Water Reuse Projects in the U.S).
- Desalination Data (Global Desalination Ownership Rankings, Global Desalination Projects)
- Global Water Stress Analysis
- U.S. Storm & Climate Impacts, 2000–2023
Support & Interaction
Analyst Access
Dedicated team on-call to meet client inquiries, review forecast methodologies, or clarify proprietary data and analysis.
Custom Client Support
Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.
Corporate Subscriptions
Subscribe to receive ongoing monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to climate risk.Subscription Options
Industrial Water
Analyzing water opportunities, trends, and strategies across industries.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water
Providing data sets and market insights for decision makers seeking to better understand and navigate the municipal water landscape.
Europe Municipal Water
Analyzing the myriad of factors influencing water and wastewater sector investments for municipalities and industrial firms in Europe.
Data Navigator
Access to Bluefield’s Data platform for more real-time data updates and relevant dashboards.
- Corporate Sustainability Targets (by Industry)
- Water Reuse Data (Europe and U.S. Municipal Water Reuse Forecasts, Global Industrial Water Reuse Market Size, Water Reuse Projects in the U.S).
- Desalination Data (Global Desalination Ownership Rankings, Global Desalination Projects)
- Global Water Stress Analysis
- U.S. Storm & Climate Impacts, 2000–2023
Support & Interaction
Analyst Access
Dedicated team on-call to meet client inquiries, review forecast methodologies, or clarify proprietary data and analysis.
Custom Client Support
Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.