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17 Jul 2024

2024 U.S. Elections: Implications for the Water Industry 
The 2024 U.S. presidential and congressional elections carry long-term ramifications for the water and wastewater sectors, potentially reshaping their regulatory landscapes, current and future public funding programs, private sector dynamics, and, most importantly, the foundational precepts of federal agency authority.

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Can a PPP Address Pittsburgh’s Water Woes? 

A boil water advisory issued on January 21, 2017 and affecting over 100,000 residents was the latest in a string of service interruptions for Pittsburgh...
25 Feb. 2017
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.

Mining Turns Corner as Escondida Commissioned 

In June 2017, BHP Billiton will fully commission the largest desalination plant in the Americas – a 216,000 m3/d reverse osmosis project located in Antofagasta,...
13 Feb. 2017
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.

Peru Reinvigorates Water and Sanitation Policy 

On 20 January 2017 Peru’s government announced a budget of US$1.24 billion for water and sanitation projects to be built in 2017, a 70% increase...
6 Feb. 2017
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.

Global Smart Water Update: Market Trends, Competitive Shifts, & Project Activity 

Smart water project announcements in the second half of 2016 were driven by utility responses to water scarcity and non-revenue water, regulatory compliance, and vendor...
1 Feb. 2017
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.

Water Network for Energy Efficiency: Europe’s Utilities Address Key Supply, Treatment Segments 

Energy efficiency has become a key priority of European utilities. A combination of policy, market factors, and local network characteristics are driving water utilities
28 Jan. 2017
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.

Leakage Management in Europe: Water Utilities Develop Multi-Vendor Strategies 

Leakage management has emerged as a major priority for Europe’s water utilities to reduce non-revenue water. New market insight available for purchase.
1 Dec. 2016
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.

Europe’s Private Water Utilities: Company Profiles, Rankings, & Trends, 2016 

Europe's top 15 consolidated private water utilities serve over 147 million of people in 11 countries, covering just under 30% of total population.
2 Nov. 2016
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.

KKR Rebalances Water Portfolio 

US investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. sold its remaining 23.85% share of wastewater treatment firm CITIC United Envirotech Limited...
25 Oct. 2016
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.

U.S. Private Water Utilities: Market Trends, Strategies, and Opportunities, 2016 

Private water utilities, currently accounting for 15% of the U.S. water market, are poised to take on a much greater role. Deteriorating water infrastructure is...
5 Sep. 2016
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.

Latin America Private Water Utilities: Company Rankings & Trends, 2016 

Bluefield ranks the top 15 Latin American consolidated private water utilities in Latin America. Weakening of regional currencies and droughts led to a 21% drop from...
16 Aug. 2016
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.