Bluefield Ranks top 15 Private Water Utilities in Latin America
The top 15 Latin American consolidated private water utilities generated a combined US$7.8 billion of revenues in 2015. Weakening of regional currencies and droughts led to a 21% drop from 2014.
Brazilian utilities lead the regional ranking representing 9 of the top 15 consolidated private water utilities in Latin America. Near-term rankings shifts will be driven by concession tenders and M&A activities in Brazil as the country manages its economic downturn, institutional instability, and water needs.
A series of tenders have built private player portfolios alongside incumbent players (SABESP, COPASA). Outside of Brazil, the Chilean leading utility Aguas Andinas serves 8.0 million people followed by Chile’s ESSBIO and Colombia’s Triple A Barranquilla.
Bluefield offers rankings of key companies across the global water industry. Our Private Water Utility Rankings for Latin America are based on key metrics including population served, revenues, and volume of water supplied. Contact our water market experts for more information on our company rankings, assumptions, and methodology.
Through our insight services, reports and consulting capabilities, Bluefield offers ongoing analysis of Global Private Water and Latin American water markets. We also offers in-depth analysis of Brazil’s private water market.