Industry Insights
Our Industry Insights provide deep-dive analyses into global water topics, including water infrastructure, industrial water management, digital solutions, and more. Reports are available for purchase (through our Report Store) or with a Corporate Subscription.
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U.S. & Canada Industrial Water & Wastewater Market: Key Trends and Forecasts, 2024–2030
The industrial water market in the U.S. and Canada is projected to exceed US$62 billion by 2030. Industrial production output valued at US$8.5 trillion, annually, matched with growing focus on water quality and operational efficiency, drives strong market growth in industrial water management.
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Global Municipal Water Market Renews Pursuit of PPPs // SIWW
At Singapore International Water Week, Bluefield Vice President Keith Hays presented on PPP projects across global water markets. Many countries are facing a perfect storm...
14 Sep. 2016
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Maximizing Operational Resilience (Smart Water Networks Forum)
This presentation by Senior Analyst Will Maize at the recent Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN) in London focuses on utility strategies to maximize operational resilience....
9 May. 2017
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Global Smart Water: Market Trends, Competitive Shifts, & Project Activity H1 2017
Smart water project announcements in the first half of 2017 were driven by utility responses to water scarcity, complying with local market regulations, and vendor...
14 Jul. 2017
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
Acciona Tests Mexico Utility Concession Model
On 19 December 2017, Spanish private water player Acciona Agua and the municipality of Boca del Río, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico signed a...
4 Jan. 2018
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Water and Mining: What in the World is Happening with Tailings?
A joint presentation by Bluefield and WesTech at the SME Annual Conference in Minneapolis, looks at how the mining industry is changing. Recent price upswing...
26 Feb. 2018
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
United Utilities EMAGINs Its Water Utility Future
In October, U.K.-water service provider United Utilities announced it had signed a framework agreement with Canadian start-up EMAGIN Clean Technologies Inc.
15 Nov. 2018
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
5G on Digital Water Horizon as Sun Sets on 2G, 3G
On 31 December 2019, U.S. cellular carrier Verizon Wireless will sunset its national 2G and 3G networks to free up bandwidth for its nascent 5G...
11 Sep. 2019
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q4 2020
After driving significant declines in project, M&A, and venture capital activity in Q2 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had more mixed impacts on the global digital...
29 Dec. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Cybersecurity Threats Materializing for Digital Water
On 5 February 2021, the city of Oldsmar, Florida experienced a cybersecurity breach at its water treatment plant. Hackers accessed the plant’s supervisory control and...
10 Mar. 2021
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q1 2021
The global digital water market has reached a turning point in the COVID-19 crisis. Digital water project activity remains depressed, with total project announcements in...
31 Mar. 2021
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.