In recent years, large climatic events such as Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, and the Camp Fire in California highlighted that electric reliability should be receiving more attention from all stakeholders, including water and wastewater utilities. These disruptions are placing water and wastewater utilities at risk of major service failures.
In addition to reliability, the realization that cities and utilities are increasingly contributing to climate change, representing as much as 2% of global emissions, is finding its way into municipal planning documents. Out of the 50 largest U.S. cities by population size, Bluefield Research has identified 35 cities with climate action plans and evaluated their greenhouse emissions and water management positions. Currently, 24 cities in the U.S. identify microgrids as a solution to meet climate action planning goals. These cities’ strategies are key indicators of current and future shifts in municipal climate change mitigation strategies, including new technology deployment, industry partnerships, and sustainability goals.
Report Contents
- Resiliency and Climate Underpin Microgrid Development
- Federal Funding for Microgrid Opportunities Tied to Hazard Mitigation
- Energy Infrastructure Stress
- State and Municipal Policies Support Microgrid Market Growth
- Sizing the Addressable Market for Microgrid Opportunities
- Operating Microgrids at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Microgrid Technologies & Solutions
- Technology Cost Declines Strengthen Utility Procurement
- California Policies and Demand at the Leading Edge of Microgrid Market
- Case Studies: Partnerships for Microgrid Development
- Players in Microgrids at Water and Wastewater Treatment Sites
- Key Players in Microgrid Solutions in the U.S.
- Identified Microgrid Project List for Water & Wastewater Facilities
- State Policies