U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Deals, and Policy in Water Management, Q2 2022

13 May 2022
Available with corporate subscription

Western U.S. states continue to find themselves in a record-breaking 20-year drought that increasingly threatens drinking water supplies. In California, currently 95% of the state is under “severe drought” conditions according to the U.S. drought monitor. Approximately one-third of the state’s drinking water supply is fed by runoff from melting snow, but in the Sierra Nevada mountains, snowpack is at only 29% of normal levels. California and other western states, along with the federal government, have been prompted to take stringent action to conserve remaining water resources.

This quarterly analysis highlights key trends in policy, mergers & acquisitions), project development, and strategic shifts impacting municipal water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure investment in the U.S. and Canada. Bluefield’s team of water experts tracks changes in business strategies, technology adoptions, infrastructure investments, and policies to measure the implications for market outlooks and forecasts. 

In this Quarterly Review:

  • Bluefield takeaways
  • Policy and funding landscape
  • Recent events
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Water infrastructure market indicators
  • Corporate M&A activity




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