Utility Staffing, Hiring Challenges Drive Demand for Third-Party Digital Water Services

6 Feb 2022
5 minute read
Available with corporate subscription

In recent months water utilities have been confronted by the so-called “Great Resignation.” Acute labor market tightness and high turnover rates stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic are exacerbating longstanding staffing and hiring challenges in the utility sector, driving increased demand for outsourced third-party services. 

These trends are particularly apparent in the digital water sector. As utilities move to digitalize their networks, they increasingly seek employees with the technical skills to implement, operate, and maintain digital hardware and software. However, utilities often struggle to recruit, retain, and afford top-tier tech talent, given the high demand for digital skillsets across the economy. 

In this Research Note:

  • Pandemic exacerbates longstanding utility staffing and hiring challenges
  • Digital service demand drives investor interest, market consolidation
  • Line between digital water software, service providers grows increasingly blurry

Related Podcast

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