Welcome Ramboll’s Bryan Arndt who discusses innovation in the wastewater space and details the importance of microscopy in wastewater treatment plant operations. Bryan also explains his innovation, Opseyes, that reduces microscopy reads from a 3 day turnaround time to less than 10 minutes. Plus, Reese Tisdale from Bluefield Research joins us for another Bluefield on Tap segment talking about the disaster in Texas and the three big water deals announced this week.
In this session, you’ll learn about:
- Bryan’s 20 years of experience in wastewater treatment
- Why wastewater is behind the curve on innovation
- How the wastewater sector takes innovation in other sectors and applies it to wastewater
- How a medical doctor inspired Bryan’s recent innovation, Opseyes
- What microscopy is
- How microscopy assists treatment plant operators
- How Opseyes can deliver results in less than 10 minutes compared to traditional microscopy that can take up to 3 days
- Why thinking outside the box is not the best advice
- Importance of failure in developing the product
- What are the barriers to innovation in the wastewater space
- Where you can try Opseyes for free
Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:
- Bryan’s LinkedIn Page
- The Opseyes website
- Article on the Importance of Microscopes in Wastewater Treatment
- TWV #166: Challenges with and Innovations in Small Systems with Austin Thompson
- TWV #031: Accelerating Innovation in the Water Space with Chris Peacock
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