
Improving Water Use through Soil Health with Parker Cohn

21 Mar 2023  |  Episode #232  |  with Parker Cohn

In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • Parker’s background and how a mechanical engineering student developed a passion for water
  • The interrelationship between water and soil health
  • The current state of soil health
  • Parker’s thoughts on how to improve soil health
  • How regenerative agricultural practices improve soil health
  • How yields are affected by using regenerative practices
  • The ROI of using regenerative agricultural practices
  • How improving soil health saves water
  • Steps to improving soil health
  • Where the “Soil Surgeon” moniker came from
  • How soil health also improves golf course water management (& also indirectly makes those golf courses more available to the public)

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:

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The Water Values Podcast

Thanks to each of you for listening and spreading the word about The Water Values Podcast! Keep the emails coming and please rate and review The Water Values Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher if you haven’t done so already. And don’t forget to tell your friends about the podcast and whatever you do, don’t forget to join The Water Values mailing list!