Bluefield water experts recently presented a private water client webcast in collaboration with the National Association of Water Companies, From PFAS to Consolidation: Key Water Market Developments Impacting Utility Strategies. In this special mailbag episode, podcast host Reese Tisdale and Senior Analyst Charlie Suse answer industry questions received from this webcast, providing in-depth insights into key water market developments.
Topics covered, questions answered:
- How does Bluefield define the range (very small–very large) for water utility system sizes, especially when evaluating the relationship between system size and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations?
- When the health-based violation data is normalized against the number of community water systems, what does that data show?
- What is a realistic annual cost estimate for PFAS maximum contaminant level compliance, given that the EPA’s US$1.5 billion per year estimate seems low?
- How much are Public Utility Commissions willing to provide rate relief for consolidators purchasing small, troubled systems?
- How is workforce development and the fast approaching retirement wave affecting the water industry?
- How has the role of private equity played out in the regulated/non-regulated water utility segments?
- How has the non-regulated market grown in the last decade, and what is its future trajectory?
- What are the opportunities in private water outside the U.S.?
- Why is wastewater seen as less risky and more attractive for market entry?
- Beyond the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, what is the outlook for future federal incentives in the water sector?
If you enjoy listening to The Future of Water Podcast, please tell a friend or colleague, and if you haven’t already, please click to follow this podcast wherever you listen.
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Related Research & Analysis:
- From PFAS to Consolidation, Key Water Market Developments Impacting Utility Strategies
- Opportunities in the U.S. Private Water Market
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