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AMP6 Seeks Sea Change for UK Water Utility Market

This Market Insight, AMP6 Seeks Sea Change for UK Water Utility Market, highlights the long-term impacts on the UK’s municipal water sector from a series of policy changes that have been implemented over the past two years, including the Pricing Review 2014 (PR14) and the Regulator Ofwat’s Open Water Program.

GCC Municipal Wastewater & Reuse: 2015-2020

This brief presentation by Bluefield analyst, Erin Bonney Casey, highlights some of the key findings from Bluefield’s just released report, Municipal Wastewater & Reuse in the GCC: Market Drivers, Trends, and Forecast, 2015-2020. The report analyzes market trends and how government wastewater treatment and infrastructure investment targets are enabling greenfield opportunities for companies across the water value chain.

U.S. Investor Owned Utilities: M&A Developments, Update 2015

This Data Insight, U.S. Investor Owned Utilities: M&A Developments, Update 2015, analyzes deal activity from 2013 to 2015. Regulated investor-owned utility (IOU) dealmaking has increased during this period, driven by a combination of ongoing corporate M&A strategies, improving investment climate, and municipal financing gaps. Bluefield details the impacts of these deals on company positions and strategies being deployed relative to their peers.

Acciona Presses On Despite ATLL Limbo

On 23 July 2015, the Catalan Parliament voted to delay the transfer of Barcelona’s bulk water supplier, Aigües Ter de Llobregat (ATLL) from current licensee Acciona Agua to a public water agency. The vote is the latest chapter in a three-year legal battle between Acciona, Agbar, and the Catalan government surrounding the validity of the tender process and the qualifications of the winning bid. This battle took a major turn in Agbar’s favor on 20 June when the Catalan Supreme Court annulled the ATLL award to Acciona on the grounds of an unequal selection process. The Catalan government lacks funds to compensate Acciona for the expropriation.

Water Management for U.S. Downstream Oil: Market Drivers, Trends, and Forecasts, 2015-2025

This Market Insight, Water Management for U.S. Downstream Oil: Market Drivers, Trends, and Outlook, 2015-2025 highlights the critical drivers and inhibitors shaping the sector’s water requirements, costs, and opportunities for growth. Recent drought in Texas and California, two of largest state markets out of 32 reviewed, has become a key force of change.