Industry Insights
Our Industry Insights provide deep-dive analyses into global water topics, including water infrastructure, industrial water management, digital solutions, and more. Reports are available for purchase (through our Report Store) or with a Corporate Subscription.
Insight Report + Data
U.S. Municipal Utility Water Rates Index 2024: Drinking Water & Sewer
Combined household water and sewer bills increased by 4.6% from 2023 to 2024, driven by rising operational costs, inflation, and capital investments for aging infrastructure. Over the past five years, combined water and sewer bills have surged by 24.1%, reflecting persistent cost pressures.
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Amidst Pandemic, Bottled Water Underscores Utility Communication Challenge
On 17 March 2020, three leading North American water industry associations—the National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the...
15 Apr. 2020
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Pandemic Represents Watershed Moment for U.S. & Canada Digital Water Market
In the months since Bluefield’s "Water Industry 4.0: U.S. & Canada Digital Water Market Forecast, 2019-2030" was released, the global outbreak of COVID-19 has upended...
15 Apr. 2020
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Policy Activity, and Market Outlook Q2, 2020
The U.S. municipal water sector accounts for approximately US$110 billion in public spend annually, when considering both the capital and operating expenditures.
8 May. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Industrial Water: Trends, Deals, and Policy in Water Management Q2, 2020
This new Quarterly Insight highlights key trends, transaction details, and competitive shifts influencing industrial water management. Included is a brief overview of select companies outlining...
8 Jun. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Sydney Water Sets Pace for Resiliency, Innovation
On 16 June 2020, the Final Determination of Sydney Water’s 2020-2024 Price Review was released by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). The report...
2 Jul. 2020
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
5G on Digital Water Horizon as Sun Sets on 2G, 3G (Updated)
On 31 December 2020, U.S. cellular carrier Verizon Wireless will sunset its national 2G and 3G networks to free up bandwidth for its nascent 5G...
13 Jul. 2020
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Key Trends in Digital Water
Bluefield's digital water expert, Eric Bindler, presents his key findings on trends in the digital water sector.
2 Sep. 2020
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q3 2020
After seeing record growth in the first quarter of 2020, the global digital water market felt the full force of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated...
18 Sep. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Industrial Water: Key Trends, Deals, and Policy in Water Management, Q3 2020
This quarterly insight highlights key trends, transaction details, and competitive shifts influencing industrial water management. Bluefield’s team of water experts tracks ongoing industrial water
29 Sep. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Policy Activity, and Market Outlook, Q4 2020
The U.S. municipal water sector accounts for approximately US$110 billion in public spend annually, when considering both the capital and operating expenditures. As municipalities, regulators,...
2 Nov. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.