Is Paris’s Stormwater Management the Real Olympic Challenge?  

On 26 July, the city of Paris will open the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and water will be front and center. The Seine River, which flows 13 kilometers through the city from east to west, plays a significant role in this year’s Games: In the opening ceremony, cruise boats will carry athletes and delegations past… Continue reading Is Paris’s Stormwater Management the Real Olympic Challenge?  

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Growing Focus on Water Drives M&A and Strategic Rebranding

Companies sometimes rebrand to adapt to evolving markets, to signal a new direction, or to reflect changes post mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Some of the most recent high-profile rebrands were Twitter’s name change to X and Facebook’s rebrand as Meta. The water sector has also seen its own fair share of major revamps over the… Continue reading Growing Focus on Water Drives M&A and Strategic Rebranding

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What Can the Water Industry Learn from the Success of the Renewable Power Industry?

There is no doubt that the electric power and water sectors are intrinsically linked. From thermal power generation (e.g., natural gas, coal) to the emergence of a hydrogen economy, one sector cannot operate without the other. Yet, while they are so closely connected operationally, a clear divide exists between the amount of attention given to water and… Continue reading What Can the Water Industry Learn from the Success of the Renewable Power Industry?

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Dubai Brings Water to the Forefront at This Year’s COP28

As key stakeholders—including government officials, nonprofit managers, and business executives—gathered at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP), progress on climate change was at the forefront of discussions. While water has come up as a topic of discussion in previous COPs, COP28 was the first time in 28 years that water was a core theme… Continue reading Dubai Brings Water to the Forefront at This Year’s COP28

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Behind the Data: Unveiling the Water Footprint of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage these days—but when consumers type a question into ChatGPT, they aren’t thinking about water. ChatGPT, a generative AI tool with 1.4 billion site visits in August 2023 alone, uses an estimated quarter of a gallon of water for every 40 to 100 queries it receives, according to a… Continue reading Behind the Data: Unveiling the Water Footprint of Artificial Intelligence

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Every Drop Counts: Spain and Italy Get Serious with Leakage Management

While the broader public thinks of “water” as a single issue, in reality, water is more complex. The 2023 AquaTech trade show and conference in Amsterdam addressed a broad range of water issues organized into four key segments: Clean Water, Wastewater, Industrial & Corporate Water, and Digital Water. Water scarcity, partly due to water loss, is perhaps the most pressing… Continue reading Every Drop Counts: Spain and Italy Get Serious with Leakage Management

Engineers to Emerge as Key Water Champions amid Threats from Climate Change

Let’s face it—the earth’s temperature will sail past the 2030 target to limit the global warming threshold to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). Our collective fates are cemented in an increasingly volatile environment shaped by droughts, flooding, and large weather events (e.g., hurricanes and winter storms) resulting from climate change. At that point, if… Continue reading Engineers to Emerge as Key Water Champions amid Threats from Climate Change

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The UN Wants a Paris Agreement for Plastics – Will It Matter for Water?

Restraining the explosion of plastic pollution, which is projected to double in size globally by 2040, is the next evolution in the discussion about climate. The United Nations recently agreed to reach a global agreement to tackle plastic waste, indicating consensus on a shifting global sentiment away from plastics. The treaty has an ambitious timeline for a globally binding… Continue reading The UN Wants a Paris Agreement for Plastics – Will It Matter for Water?

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Potential Regulations for Canadian Oil Sands Highlight Importance of Industrial Wastewater Treatment

It’s no secret that the Canadian economy relies heavily on oil and gas. Canada is the fourth-largest oil producer and sixth-largest gas producer in the world. Oil sand extractions in the province of Alberta produce roughly 3.3 million barrels of oil per day—equivalent to 20% of Canada’s total oil production. Mining oil sands is an environmentally… Continue reading Potential Regulations for Canadian Oil Sands Highlight Importance of Industrial Wastewater Treatment

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