To DMA or Not to DMA? That is the Smart Water Question

Since UK water utilities began subdividing their distribution networks into sectors in the 1980s, the practice of setting up district metering areas (DMA) has become synonymous with good management. Operators can tightly monitor flow into these areas using flow meters, and apply night-time low-flow monitoring techniques to identify leaky areas. Now they can prioritize where… Continue reading To DMA or Not to DMA? That is the Smart Water Question

Smart Water: The Future is Now

People take water for granted – they only notice when the water stops running or starts gushing, their usage is limited, or water quality is impacted. Today, water utilities are increasingly being forced to confront their crumbling infrastructure. As a result, consumer water rates have increased over 40% since 2010 and will rise even further. But there are many innovations in… Continue reading Smart Water: The Future is Now

President Trump and the Water Industry: From Talk to Action

Newly minted President Donald J. Trump stated months ago that new infrastructure will help make America great again. Whether it’s our crumbling airports, collapsing bridges, or polluted water systems – look all around and there are infrastructure problems that need fixing. It’s an issue that has bipartisan support, and has been backed up with facts most agree… Continue reading President Trump and the Water Industry: From Talk to Action

Something Old, Something New: Europe’s Water Utilities Get Smart

Water utilities are notoriously known for their aversion to new technologies when it comes to running their drinking water networks—there’s too much risk and often unclear returns. Vendors have been called out for bombarding utilities with information about complex data, analytics, sensors, and other products that has amounted to a lot of noise, but only a… Continue reading Something Old, Something New: Europe’s Water Utilities Get Smart

Europe to Increase Water Infrastructure Spend 23% by 2025 for $526 Billion Total CAPEX

European utilities are planning to invest over $526 billion in water and wastewater infrastructure between 2016 and 2025, according to new forecasts from Bluefield Research. A combination of drivers including utility market restructuring, water and wastewater directives, and improved efficiency have encouraged cities and public water utilities to resume the most aggressive investment programs Europe has… Continue reading Europe to Increase Water Infrastructure Spend 23% by 2025 for $526 Billion Total CAPEX

Private Capital in US Water Markets – Four Key Takeaways

Opportunities for private capital in the U.S. water sector are expected to proliferate as municipalities struggle to address a forecasted ten-year $532 billion CAPEX charge. Already serving 16% of the U.S. market, private water players are poised for an expanded role to address a widening infrastructure gap.  Below are four of the market shifts our water experts are… Continue reading Private Capital in US Water Markets – Four Key Takeaways

Key trends across global water markets (Q1 2016)

In Q1 2016, we saw an uptick in activity across global water markets — below are a few emerging trends from last quarter: M&A activity picks up, signaling water industry consolidation M&A activity among EPCs represents ongoing consolidation as leading players seek more expansive capabilities. The Stantec-MWH acquisition has proved the water industry’s biggest shakeup this quarter. Investor-owned… Continue reading Key trends across global water markets (Q1 2016)

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