Water for Food & Beverage: Market Trends and Forecasts, 2024–2030

21 Mar 2024
In-depth Analysis + Water Market Forecasts / 25+ pages
Available with corporate subscription

The highly fragmented food and beverage manufacturing industry is rapidly growing due to population expansion in key markets, evolving consumer preferences (e.g., plant-based foods), and a heightened focus on sustainability. Given that water and wastewater management are impacted by these shifts, water solutions providers and multinationals are racing to address the opportunities ahead.

Companies are facing increasing pressure from customers to adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing water usage and recovering resources. This focus on corporate sustainability can be a competitive advantage, particularly for customer-facing brands.

This Insight Report provides a 2024–2030 global forecast of capital and operating expenditures for the food & beverage industry considering industry trends, inflationary pressures, facility-level usage, and policy incentives.

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