Deferred infrastructure investment on 2.2 million miles of drinking water pipe and 1.8 million miles of wastewater pipe is contributing to growing longer-term financial, health, and affordability issues for cities and stakeholders. Part of this asset management challenge is evidenced in water losses (i.e. leakage).
Non-revenue water—real losses, apparent losses, unbilled consumption—is negatively impacting utility bottom lines through wasted water supplies (including procurement) and energy usage for pumping, treatment costs, and improper customer billing for services. Because of heavy fragmentation and a lack of reporting standards, the broader impact of these losses has gone untracked across the U.S., but recent data collected by Bluefield signals a changing landscape for improved insights.
In this new Data Insight, Bluefield water experts leverage publicly available leakage data and cost impacts to calculate water losses and the broader financial impacts on U.S. water utilities.
Included in this Insight:
- Defining Non-revenue Water, State Policies, and Current Monitoring Landscape
- State-by-State Data Analysis
- U.S. Non-Revenue Water and Leakage Rates
- Public vs. Private: Data Analysis by Utility Ownership and Size
- Data Matrix & Cost Assumptions