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The EPA continues to step-up its enforcement on industrial companies in violation of the Clean Water Act. Highlighting the tightening regulatory environment, the EPA has issued 95 consent decrees to industrial violators of the Clean Water Act since 1999, totaling more than US$6.4 billion in civil penalties.
The energy sector is responsible for 36% of violations and US$6.3 billion (98%) in civil penalties. With concerns over drought and Flint, Michigan in the news, increasing public scrutiny on heavy industrial water users is expected to scale.
In this Data Insight, Bluefield water experts analyze:
- Consent Decrees Centered on the Water Industry and Private Industry Violations
- Geographic Distribution of Enforcement Actions
- List of Consent Decrees including State, Enforcement Action, Civil Penalty, and Cost of Compliance
Bluefield Takeaways
- Since 1999 the EPA has issued 95 consent decrees to industrial violators of the Clean Water Act, totaling more than US$6.4 billion in civil penalties.
- The energy sector is responsible for 36% of violations and US$6.3 billion (98%) in civil penalties.
- Industrial consent decrees have been issued in 32 states, concentrated in those with large water-intensive industrial sectors.