This report lays out Bluefield’s 2022–2030 forecast for capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX) for water & wastewater utilities across Canada. CAPEX forecasts include 15 key segments ranging from linear assets (e.g., distribution and collection network infrastructure) to vertical assets (e.g., plants and pump stations). OPEX forecasts include 12 major budget categories such as labor, energy, chemicals, and plant/system maintenance.
Bluefield’s forecast methodology considers a variety of key market and macroeconomic variables, including input pricing dynamics, recessionary pressures, demographic & housing market trends, and adoption & growth rates by utility type and size.
In this report, Bluefield’s team of water experts provides a timely assessment of the Canadian water market outlook, providing an overview of the nation’s water-related regulatory structure, federal funding initiatives, and macroeconomic drivers shaping utility CAPEX and OPEX from 2022 to 2030.
Table of Contents
Report Summary
Report Takeaways
Market Drivers & Trends
- Government Policies Shape Water Sector Activity
- Canada Invests in the Water Sector
- Breaking Down the Addressable Market
- Housing Starts Drive Network Additions
Canada Market Outlook
- Bluefield Forecast Methodology Overview
- Canada Forecast Scenario Analysis: CAPEX vs OPEX
- Market Snapshot: Total Expenditures
- CAPEX Breakdown by Budget Category
- OPEX Breakdown by Budget Category
- Utility Expenditure Breakdown by Geography
List of Exhibits
- Key Policies for Canada’s Water Sector
- Infrastructure Canada Water & Wastewater Funding by Province, 2016–2022
- Publicly Owned Water Asset Counts by Location, 2020
- Housing Starts by Province, Q1 2019–Q3 2022
- CAPEX Scenarios, 2022–2030
- OPEX Scenarios, 2022–2030
- Total Expenditure Forecast, 2022–2030
- Canada CAPEX by Asset Type, 2022–2030
- Canada OPEX by Budget Category, 2022–2030
- Cumulative Utility Expenditure by Province/Territory, 2022–2030