South Africa Desalination Inches Forward

14 Jul 2013
Available with corporate subscription

On 3 July 2013, the South Africa DWA reemphasized its strategy to scale national water conservation and management practices, including desalination and reuse.  The newly released National Water Resource Strategy (NWRS2) document, an extension of the government’s 2012 water directive, projects large scale seawater desalination, brackish water desalination, mine water treatment, and municipal and industrial wastewater reuse to meet South Africa’s future water demand.

South Africa has been recorded as the 29th driest of 193 measured countries, with an estimated 1,110 m3/person available in 2005. Total installed desalination is approximately in South Africa is 64,850 m3/day, supplying municipal and industrial off-takers.

Bluefield Takeaways

  • Power generation supply chain water constraints driving alternative water strategies
  • Veolia’s southern Africa head start likely to be challenged by more global players
  • NWRS2 underscores need for large-scale municipal desalination and role for private stakes