Industry Insights
Our Industry Insights provide deep-dive analyses into global water topics, including water infrastructure, industrial water management, digital solutions, and more. Reports are available for purchase (through our Report Store) or with a Corporate Subscription.
Quarterly Review + Data
Europe Municipal Water: Key Trends, Policy Activity, and Market Outlook, Q3 2024
Increasing regulatory pressure across Europe, including Ofwat’s stringent targets for AMP8 (2025–2030) and the European Commission’s action against France, Belgium, and Greece for water management failures, are driving significant infrastructure investment in the region.
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State of the Market: PFAS Policy Landscape, Forecasts, and Competitive Analysis
Bluefield’s PFAS remediation forecast shows that drinking water utilities will spend nearly US$13.5 billion between 2023 and 2030, up from a previously forecasted total of...
7 Dec. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Lead and Copper Rule Transitions Toward 2024 Deadline
On 30 November 2023, the EPA announced the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). Among several key provisions, the proposed LCRI would require most...
28 Nov. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Global Water Deal Flow: A Look at 2023 Water M&A, Leading Companies, and Market Outlook for 2024
In this client presentation, Bluefield water experts shared their analysis of notable acquisitions, M&A market trends, company strategies to expand market share, and provided insight...
24 Oct. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Utility Capital Improvement Plans, 2023–2031
For three years running, Bluefield’s team of water experts has collected, cleaned, and analyzed published CIP data from more than 750 utilities across the U.S....
13 Sep. 2023
Analyst Presentation + DataIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements. Data access available to Data Navigator seat holders and report buyers.
Mapping the Dollars: Regional Financial Trends and Preferences in the U.S. Water Industry
Bluefield's water experts presented at the Water Finance Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. This analysis looks at historical funding trends, IIJA and SRF channels to market,...
8 Aug. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Opportunities in the U.S. Private Water Market
In this client presentation, Bluefield’s team of water experts presented an overview of the total addressable market for utility consolidation and the latest trends in...
27 Jul. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Eight U.S. Water Market Trends to Watch: Looking over the Horizon
In this presentation, Bluefield identifies top U.S. water market trends impacting and influencing the municipal water sector in 2023 and beyond. From water quality to...
24 Jul. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Industrial Water: Forecasting Market Opportunities for Growth
In this client presentation, Bluefield water experts present analysis across select industrial verticals and three key trends shaping the industrial water space—rising data demand, energy...
24 May. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
The Future of Water: Key Trends to Watch
Bluefield frames global water markets, drivers, and opportunities by presenting on key water market trends to watch. This Analyst Presentation breaks down big picture water...
29 Mar. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
CAPEX and OPEX Outlook: Gauging the Impacts of Inflation, Recession, and Stimulus on Water Utility Spend in the U.S. and Canada
In this client presentation, Bluefield's water experts provide a timely assessment of the U.S. & Canada water market outlook at a moment of change, evaluating the...
1 Feb. 2023
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.