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Research Note
Water Utility M&A Approval Times Point to Consolidation Hurdles
Through the first half of 2024, Bluefield’s quarterly analyses have revealed a significant spike in utility acquisition approval times in the U.S.—from the initial application to the final approval by a utility commission. The national average acquisition approval time has jumped to a record high of 382 days, increasing each year since 2021.
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Smart Water Meters in Europe: Utility Strategies Drive Adoption, 2016-2020
Market insight analyzing utility strategies to drive smart water meter adoption. Available for purchase and immediate download European water utilities are deploying new strategies to become more...
27 Oct. 2016
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
Europe Smart Water: Market Forecasts and Utility Strategies, 2017-2025
Europe’s water industry is on pace to lead the world toward smarter municipal supply networks. With a focus on metering, leakage management, and energy efficiency
28 Jan. 2017
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.