Industry Insights
Our Industry Insights provide deep-dive analyses into global water topics, including water infrastructure, industrial water management, digital solutions, and more. Reports are available for purchase (through our Report Store) or with a Corporate Subscription.
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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): Tracking the Spending, Q4 2024
Moving into fiscal year 2025 of the 2022–2026 Water Infrastructure and Western Water Infrastructure appropriations timeline, Bluefield’s team of water experts has evaluated the progress of project funding across 10 discrete programs and subprograms administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
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U.S. Municipal Utility Forecast: Refining the Impacts of the Pandemic on Water Utility CAPEX
The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything the municipal water sector has undergone in over a century. For this reason, Bluefield’s team of water experts has...
14 Jun. 2021
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Policy Activity, and Market Outlook, Q2 2021
Through the first quarter of 2021, the water sector has been bolstered by strong macroeconomics. The COVID-19 recovery is palpable, as reflected in increased vaccination...
14 Jun. 2021
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Green Infrastructure Gains Impact Investing Momentum
On 2 December 2020, the City of Hampton, Virginia, in partnership with Quantified Ventures, closed on a US$12 million Environmental Impact Bond (EIB) to fund...
20 Dec. 2020
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Biosolids Management: Business Models & Utility Strategies
Scaling capital and operational expenditure demands on more than 20,000 wastewater treatment plants across the U.S. were already squeezing municipal and utility budgets prior to...
3 Aug. 2020
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook Q2, 2020
The first quarter of 2020 kicked off what could otherwise have been a banner year for the global digital water market, before the outbreak of...
8 May. 2020
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
The U.S. Water Conference Landscape: Focus, Themes, and Corporate Influencers, 2018
Bluefield Research has embarked upon analysis of 2,649 conference proceedings at eleven regional and national conferences in 2018 to identify key influencers, both corporate and...
19 Nov. 2018
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
New Green Bond Criteria a Certified Win for Nature-Based Water Infrastructure Investment
Green bonds are growing in popularity reflecting a broader shift toward innovative water infrastructure finance. As green bonds become more mainstream, the industry is seeing standards...
14 Jun. 2018
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
U.S. Municipal Water Infrastructure: Utility Strategies & CAPEX Forecasts, 2018-2027
Capital expenditures (CAPEX) for U.S. municipal water, wastewater infrastructure, and stormwater are forecasted to exceed $683 billion over the next decade. Bolstered by an average...
30 Mar. 2018
Insight ReportDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
Hubbell Makes a Splash into Water with Aclara Purchase
Closing out 2017 with another water-sector M&A deal, Hubbell Incorporated, a diversified equipment supplier to industrial and utility sectors, announced on Dec 26 that it...
4 Jan. 2018
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
DC Water De-risks Innovation With Impact Finance
DC Water, one of the 850 water & wastewater utility networks across the U.S. with a combined sewer system, has deployed an innovative financing tool to...
28 Nov. 2017
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.