Industry Insights
Our Industry Insights provide deep-dive analyses into global water topics, including water infrastructure, industrial water management, digital solutions, and more. Reports are available for purchase (through our Report Store) or with a Corporate Subscription.
Insight Report + Data
U.S. & Canada Industrial Water & Wastewater Market: Key Trends and Forecasts, 2024–2030
The industrial water market in the U.S. and Canada is projected to exceed US$62 billion by 2030. Industrial production output valued at US$8.5 trillion, annually, matched with growing focus on water quality and operational efficiency, drives strong market growth in industrial water management.
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Utility Staffing, Hiring Challenges Drive Demand for Third-Party Digital Water Services
As utilities move to digitalize their networks, they increasingly seek employees with the technical skills to implement, operate, and maintain digital hardware and software. However,...
6 Feb. 2022
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q1 2022
2021 was a positive year for the global digital water market, with robust growth opportunities expected for the year ahead. Continued economic recovery from the...
25 Mar. 2022
Quarterly ReviewAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events.
Cybersecurity Prompts Policy, Investor Attention on Water Services
Cybersecurity firms are building out dedicated capabilities for water and wastewater. This growth has fueled a recent surge in M&A and venture capital, as both...
27 Apr. 2022
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
Water for Data Centers: Market Trends and Forecasts, 2023–2030
Hyperscale data centers, currently estimated at 728 facilities globally are expected to reach over 1,000 by the end of 2024. The proliferation of hyperscale data...
9 Jun. 2023
Insight Report + DataDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities. Data access available to Data Navigator seat holders and report buyers.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q2 2023
Market conditions remain volatile for global digital water technology and services providers in early 2023. Broader economic uncertainty is suppressing investor appetite for water technology...
29 Jun. 2023
Quarterly Review + DataAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events. Data access available to Data Navigator seat holders.
Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q4 2023
In Q3 2023, the 10 publicly traded digital water providers tracked by Bluefield reported an average revenue growth of 10.8%. Five firms recorded double-digit growth,...
20 Dec. 2023
Quarterly Review + DataAnalysis and insights of previous quarter water market activity, trends, and events. Data access available to Data Navigator seat holders.
U.S. Digital Water Market Overview
The nearly US$8 billion U.S. digital water market is growing at an 8% CAGR, or 3x to 4x the pace of growth in the broader...
15 Mar. 2024
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.
Schneider Pursues Bentley, Rounding Out Water Offerings
Schneider Electric confirms reports of discussions to potentially acquire engineering software firm Bentley Systems. The potential deal would be another stepping stone in Schneider’s strategy...
10 May. 2024
Research NoteBrief research summaries of market development or company strategies.
U.S. & Canada Digital Water Market Outlook: Key Drivers, Competitive Shifts, and Forecasts, 2024–2033
The U.S. and Canada have long been at the forefront of digital water adoption, shaped by a diverse network of assets, an expansive roster of...
30 Aug. 2024
Insight Report + DataDeep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities. Data access available to Data Navigator seat holders and report buyers.
Water for High Tech: Growth Opportunities in North America’s Scaling Semiconductor and Data Center Industries
High capital investments and growth in both semiconductor manufacturing and data centers highlight opportunities for water management. In this client presentation, Bluefield water experts present...
12 Sep. 2024
Analyst PresentationIndustry presentations given by our team of water experts at water conferences and other speaking engagements.